Surveying Services
Our team of Registered Professional Land Surveyors, Project Surveyors, Chiefs-of-Party, Instrument Operators and Computer/CADD Operators are experienced in all types of surveying projects. These Professionals work with the latest equipment in the field and office including GPS, robotic total stations, and electronic data collectors which can be download directly to our new high speed computers to provide fast, accurate and true “field to finish” plans of the survey data. From the data obtained in the field survey the surveyors and CADD operators prepare property line, topographical, wetlands, and other types of plans as required by each project. Browse our site to see more specific details on our survey experiences and capabilities. You may Contact us from a link on any page and set up an appointment for a free consultation.
- Accident
- Adverse Possession
- Aerial/Photogrammetric/Topographic Mapping
- ALTA/ACSM Title Surveys
- As-Built
- Boundary Research and Reports
- Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD)
- Condo Conversion
- Construction Layout
- Control (Horizontal and Vertical)
- Data Collection for the Design A/E Community
- Easement
- Eminent Domain
- Expert Testimony
- Geodetic
- Hydrographic
- Land Court
- Legal Description
- Precise Level
- Property/Boundary
- Retracement
- Route/Right-of-Way/Pipeline/Cross-Country
- Title 5 Septic Inspection and Design
- Topographical
- Volumes/Inventory
- Wetlands