Title 5 Septic Inspection and Design

Guerriere and Halnon, Inc. (G&H) engineering staff provide thorough and accurate Title 5 inspections. Our team of engineers also designs septic systems for all types of residential and commercial needs. Our designs meet all required regulations while allowing for maximum overall land use.

A Title 5 inspection is a multi-page report that indicates the current conditions of a septic system. Guerriere and Halnon, Inc. has trained professionals on staff that can perform Title 5 inspections. All the system components are located and uncovered to determine if they are in good working order and in compliance with 310CMR 15.00 Title 5. A Title 5 inspection is required for the sale of a property or a change of use such as adding a bedroom or if there is concern about a system failure. Once an inspection is completed a full report is submitted to the Town Board of Health and the property owner.

When it comes to a septic design G&H uses all available information before we arrive on site. We research available land records and GIS data to get a thorough understanding of the site conditions. Additional existing conditions data and information is accumulated by our experienced field surveyors using computerized equipment to ensure we have all the necessary information to properly design the right septic system. Our septic designs work to meet the property requirements and be the least cost approach for the client. There are a number of systems available and we design our septic systems using the most cost effective approach for your property. Designs are submitted for approval to Town Board of Health.

Please contact us for a free estimate for a Title 5 inspection or a septic design for a new or a replacement septic system.


Some of the projects where we have provided Civil Engineering, Surveying and Environmental services are represented in the pictures on this site.  Many are a one-time project for a particular client and others, like the Milford Regional Medical Center illustrate various phases of the expansion of the facility including the recently opened Meehan Family Pavilion and new Emergency Department located on Route 140 in Milford, MA.

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